Conference Information


DISEC (Disarmament and International Security) General Assembly First Committee

A. Nuclear Disarmament
B. Illegal Arms Trade

World War 1 Historical Crisis Committee

A. Crisis committee topics will be given out the day of the conference!

Ancient Greek Crisis Council

A. Trogan War

Security Council

A. Syrian Civil War
B. Terrorism in Subsaharan and Horn Regions of Africa

CSW (The Commission on the Status of Women)

A. Afghan Women’s Rights
B. Maternal and Reproductive Healthcare Access

Future Council (A Hypothetical Future Council)

A. Fragmentation of Russia
B. Lunar Warfare

Background guides:

Update: All background guides are posted!

Country Assignments:

Official country list spreadsheet:

If there are any incorrect inputs please email us at [email protected] and we will get it sorted immediately!

Conference Schedule:

Registration/ Training Session: 8:30am-9:00am
Opening Ceremonies: 9:05am-9:20am
Session 1: 9:25am-11:25am
Lunch: 11:25am-12:00pm
Session 2: 12:00pm-2:15pm
Break: 2:15pm-2:35pm
Session 3: 2:40pm- 4:40pm
Closing Ceremonies: 4:45pm-5:00pm